Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And I would not walk 500 miles!

Dummy in geography claas, New Jersey 2007
dummy female 19: How long does it take to drive to Hawaii?
Teacher: Hawaii is an island....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just do it...Auto!

Dummy in History class, Sweden 2010.
*Teacher is talking about Henry Ford
Dummy male 20: Wow dude, what if there was a car where you could switch gears automatically!?

Monday, March 28, 2011

In the city of love

Dummy in Geography class, Israel 2009
Dummy female 19: I love learning about different countries.
Teacher: Whats your favorite country?
Dummy: Paris!

I'll be there for you!

Dummy in TV and society class, Israel 2011
Teacher: We are going to se a clip from the show friends, btw, is their any one who have not seen friends?
Dummy Male 22 year old: If anybody has friends?!
Teacher: Wrong class dummy.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It will only take an hour!

Dummy in social science, Sweden 2010
Teacher: This weekend its earth hour, where we turn of all the electricity to save our planet
Dummy female 19 year old: Wait, how long is earth hour?!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pee on it and it will heal

Dummy in biology class, Sweden 2009

The teacher puts up on the screen a picture of two kidneys and one bladder and Dummy starts laughing.
Dummy male 19 year old: Is that a cock?!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you have anything you want to share?

Send it to, please help us with great stories!

First dummy teacher!

Dummy teacher, history class 2011 Israel
*Talking about Irish writers
Dummy teacher: Remember that the best Irish writers are Irish...

Monday, March 21, 2011

The right is always harder than the left

Dummy in physical education,

Dummy male 19 year old: My right butt cheek is hurting so much after this class.
Friend: Why do you think that is?
Dummy: Maybe because I’m using my right brain so much?

On the first day their was light!

Dummy in computer lab

All computers shut down at the same time, but the lights are still on and air-condition is working as usual.
Dummy, female 18 years old: It has to be a blackout in the school!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Christmas and new years came at the same time

Dummy in economy class, Sweden 2009

Dummy, female 19 years old, says to friend: How many days are there in a month?
Friend: You don’t know?
Dummy: Is it not 28? So, 7 times 4 is…(counting on fingers)…24!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am sterdam

Dummy in geography class, Sweden 2008

Friend: In which country is Dublin the capital?
Dummy, male 19 year old: uhm…Holland?
Dummy: Wait! I’m sorry; of course it’s the Netherlands!

Buddha was not Hungary

Dummy in philosophy class, Israel 2011

Teacher: Buddhism has had a mayor part of philosophy…
Dummy, male 21 year old: I heard that Budapest has a part in it!

Just suck it up and move on

Dummy in Spanish class, Spain 2008

Teacher: Does anybody know what "vacunas" (vaccine) means?
Silence in the whole class.
Teacher: It has had a major importance for humanity; it was a big discovery and has saved many lives.
Dummy, male 17 years old: Ah, is it a vacuum cleaner?

I'll follow you until you love me, Papa-paparazzi

Dummy in philosophy class, Israel 2010

Teacher: So what is a journalist?
Dummy 20-year-old girl: somebody that tells about someone else’s journey?

It was so embarrassing, I wanted to die

Dummy in Social class, Sweden 2009

In a class discussion about euthanasia (death help)
Teacher: Some countries that have euthanasia are India, Japan and the Netherlands
Dummy 18 year old girl: I think we should help those who are dead...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ms. Longstocking just turned an extra 100 years

Dummy in literature class, Norway 2007

Teacher: Today it would have been Astrid Lindgren's, the author of Pippi Longstocking, 100th birthday Dummy, male 18 years old, says to his friend: 100 years, that means she was born in...*thinking*...1807!

Such a cheesy thing to say!

Dummy from a social study class, Sweden

Teacher: So Luxembourg has been in the European Union since 1957...
Dummy (blonde 18 years old girl) raises her hand.
Teacher: Yes?
Dummy: Isn't Luxembourg a cheese?!